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Monday, June 6, 2011


The fast version:

1) I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!

2) I ate cow dairy for two weeks.

The lengthy version:

1) I am growing my very first baby! I am 10 weeks, 3 days along. I found out (surprise!) right around 6 weeks. We are head over heels in love! Baby! It has had ups and downs and scares but we have come out of each one alright. I will definitely be writing about my pregnancy as it relates to food and maybe other blogs about it if anyone is interested. I have always loved pregnancy blogs/vlogs myself. It is especially a big deal for us because I've been told since I was 11 that I would probably never conceive because of endometriosis. I never gave up hope of becoming a momma and here we are :o)

Meet Baby Squiggles! at 6 wks, 6 days
2) It's true. Soooo I was totally completely vegan for 6 months until I finally had a cheese craving. That was the last thing I gave up in December and try as I have, I cannot find a vegan cheese I can tolerate. About two months into pregnancy, a few weeks after I found out I was pregnant, I got intense dairy cravings. This is when I was sickest, constantly hungry but most foods including ones I used to love made me ill. I think the craving was from needing fat, as I was turned off to nuts, avocados, and oil entirely. I gave in and had some dairy over the course of two weeks. Now, I am less sick and have no more cravings. I do not feel good about eating dairy- it's not good for me or Baby Squiggles, and caused suffering to numerous cows and human laborers. At the time, it made me feel totally better plus I am no longer lactose intolerant due to the pregnancy. I had been been vegan for long and my body remembered how I got my fat before and insisted I do it again for the baby. So be it, it is done.

I came out really hard against Natalie Portman for de-veganizing in her pregnancy. Now I totally understand. Pregnancy takes over your entire being and you cannot fight it. If you feel the need, you do put your survival (and therefore baby's) before everything. I guess the difference is if she returns to being vegan or not, which I already have. I also know that there are pregnant vegans who remain so. Alicia Silverstone and perfect I am not, but I am trying my very very best to have the healthiest and most vegan pregnancy I can, I am back on track, and as my baby daddy (husband and partner of seven years) Ian continues to remind me, I am eating amazingly compared to a lot of pregnant people. Details in another post!


  1. Hooray! I love pregnancy blogs, so I look forward to reading in the next 28-30 weeks:)

  2. Congratulations!! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on staying vegan while pregnant - I've always wondered if I'd stay the vegan path when I became pregnant - and it was nice to read your perspective. :)
